Work Packages

WP1: Micro-credentials for South Caucasus: Status-Quo and Roadmapping

Lead Beneficiary: YSU
  • To investigate and present in a structured and unified way the regional conditions, existing practice, policy and regulatory frameworks with regards to short competence-oriented educational measures potentially leading to micro-credentials within and outside of formal education;
  • To study and analyse (for the purpose of adjustment and adoption) best European practice in development and issuance of micro-credentials
  • To identify and connect to major policy-level, economic and societal stakeholders relevant to and interested in introducing micro-credentials in national education systems;
  • To initiate the national level consultations resulting in the Roadmaps for Micro-credentials introduction

WP2: Dialogue on standardization and mutual recognition of micro-credentials

Lead Beneficiary: CIMEA

  • To study and benchmark with national practices the European standards in describing micro-credentials
  • To identify necessary adjustments in the national regulations concerning implementation of Bologna principles and instruments in order to integrate micro-credentials in the way allowing mutual recognition on national, regional and European levels
  • To initiate and facilitate the structured discussion (involving European experts) on the possibility to include micro-credentials in to National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs) and on the practical arrangements to enable transparent internal/external quality assurance systems for micro-credentials

WP3: Regional Capacity Building Programme on micro-credentials

Lead Beneficiary: UG

  • To build the capacity of the national academic communities to develop, deliver, and evaluate various types of short competence-oriented educational courses leading to microcredentials, thus creating best practice and providing bottom-up feedback to the policy level
  • To equip the academic staff with the knowledge and skills in applying co-creation methods for co-designing such targeted educational interventions
  • To support the partner countries in defining the processes and structures for issuance and verification of digital micro-credentials by local stakeholders, in local languages, in accordance with the national regulation in the field of education and personal Data Protection

WP4: Pilot on developing and issuing micro-credentials in line with the national Guidelines on micro-credentials

Lead Beneficiary: EIU/UER
  • To practically implement the complete cycle of designing, developing, delivering and evaluating courses leading to digital micro-credentials for different categories of learners and by different education providers
  • To pilot developed capacities, Guideline resulting from Task 2.2, proposed QA tools, technologies for digital micro-credentialing
  • To collect evidences in support of the envisaged policy reforms
  • To generate local best practice in micro-credentials for dissemination

WP5: Awareness, Excellence and Sustainability

Lead Beneficiary: GRENA
  • To define policy support actions for the different target groups,
  • To establish and implement a dissemination and exploitation plan
  • To reach out to the different stakeholders
  • To create and maintain online dissemination channels
  • To identify workshops, events, and conferences to disseminate the project results at
  • To lead the exploitation of project results and activities
  • To develop a sustainability plan

WP6: Project management, coordination and quality assurance

Lead Beneficiary: GTU
  • To define, implement, and evaluate the project coordination and management activities and measures
  • To ensure the completion of tasks and deliverables and the successful attainment of milestones
  • To coordinate and communicate project activities with EACEA
  • To ensure the financial soundness and compliance with the EU financial regime